Francesca mani porn

New Jersey girl, 14, slams school for letting boy who used AI to create  fake child porn images of her RETURN to class and says his presence makes  her very uncomfortable and

Meet the 15-year-old deepfake victim pushing Congress into action | MIT  Technology Review

MIT Technology Review

High schooler calls for AI regulations after manipulated pornographic  images of her and others shared online - WTOP News


Outrage at New Jerseys Westfield High School after boy is caught sharing  AI-generated NUDES of female classmates, leaving victims feeling humiliated  and fearing the images could end up online, as school principal

Daily Mail

Police open investigation after students report AI-generated nudes to  school district - ABC News

ABC News

Police open investigation after students report AI-generated nudes to  school district - ABC News

ABC News

REVEALED: Deepfake porn creators and publishers got away with producing  415,000 images last year - and making the warped pictures remains LEGAL in  44 states | Daily Mail Online

Daily Mail

Pass deepfake porn bill, N.J. teen tells Congress after classmates share  fake images of her -

American Teens Struggle Against Deepfake Porn | GNcrypto News

Francesca Mani, lactiviste de 15 ans qui lutte contre les deepfakes  pornographiques - Next

A high schools deepfake porn scandal is pushing US lawmakers into action |  MIT Technology Review

MIT Technology Review

Pass deepfake porn bill, N.J. teen tells Congress after classmates share  fake images of her - OECD.AI

OECD AI Policy Observatory

AI-generated nudes of girls at NJ high school trigger police probe

New York Post

Its not just Taylor Swift: AI-generated porn is targeting women all over  the world | The Blade

Toledo Blade

Pandoras box: AI in an X-rated world | Cybernews


Kat OBrien on X: Color me majorly impressed by 15yo Francesca Mani. After  becoming a victim at 14 of nonconsensual deepfake porn (thats when someone  uses non-pornographic images to create fake porn

As AI Porn Rises, This Teen Is Trying to Protect Other Victims | Teen Vogue

Teen Vogue

Cybernews podcast: AI in the X-rated world | Cybernews


A high schools deepfake porn scandal is pushing US lawmakers into action |  MIT Technology Review

MIT Technology Review

Amid rise in AI deepfakes, experts urge school curriculum updates for  online behaviour | CBC News